THE GMAT Club Podcast

Sleep Habits and Exercises that Affect your GMAT Performance

Episode Summary

Improving mind functioning to maximise test performance Exercises that improve mental function How to alleviate stress with exercises Balancing Work, Study, Sleep, and Exercise Does napping help? Diets for better mental function and sleep

Episode Notes

Along with a solid GMAT study plan, GMAT preparation strategies, and rigorous practice, adequate sleep and exercises also contributes greatly in enhancing your GMAT test performance by improving your cognitive abilities and memory function. On the other hand, sleep deprivation can have a negative effect on your test scores. In this video, GMATNinja talks with a Sleep expert and fitness coach to understand (1) what it takes to make your mind functioning better to maximise test performance, (2) what physical exercises help improve your memory function and alleviate stress, (3) what type of diets are good for better mental function, and (4) how to establish an optimal balance among work, GMAT study, exercises, and sleep.